Dr. Abir El Saadi
Dr. Abir El Saadi has provided academic and training courses, for over 10 years, to MBA and DBA students and governmental officials in quantitative and qualitative research methods, finance, investment, economics, technical analysis, strategic planning, results-based management, and other areas of expertise; in addition to the supervision of various doctorate dissertations in SSM and other Universities. Dr. Abir was the Trade and Industry Minister’s Senior Advisor for development projects. She is a results-oriented project manager, an economic and trade expert, and an experienced institutional and human development expert with over 25 years of experience.
Throughout her career, she has effectively worked with and for private, public, and multi- national organizations, with over 15 years as an official in the Government of Egypt (GOE). Dr. Abir has served as a project director for two important projects governed by UNDP, GIZ, CIDA, and others to implement Results-based Management and HRM country strategy in selected governmental bodies and subsequently in all public administrative units. In these roles, she improved anti-corruption strategy implementation by utilizing technology models to monitor public and private sector results.
As the Human Development Expert for HR Reform in the Egyptian Government, Dr. Abir reviewed existing structures and processes and provided technical, organizational, and policy advice in order to increase efficiency and build capacity within the Egyptian government. She served as an external auditor of several governmental bodies to audit the implementation of the Balanced Score Cards system. She has developed a strategy to build the capacity of the second-layer officials in the GOE by designing relevant programs on management, leadership, and anti-corruption, bringing business management practices to public administration officials.
Dr. Abir participated in the steering committee, sub-committee, and academic assessment committee of the Cairo Initiative with USAID to manage graduate scholarships for Egyptian public servants in the USA. She also served as an Economic Researcher and investigator of Trade Remedies (Anti-Dumping, Countervailing, and Safeguard), contacting the domestic industry to audit the financial and economic information, participating in verification visits both domestically and abroad, and preparing final reports to the World Trade Organization (WTO) for cases settlement between Egypt and other countries, and reverse cases. She then led economic analysis and economic assessments, trade analysis & agreements effectiveness, rules of origin effectiveness in existing agreements, and identifying potential Free Trade Areas (FTAs).
Abir holds a B.Sc. in Economics and Finance from Algeria University (French) with Honors, and an MBA in International Marketing with Honors from AASTMT. She finished a diploma in Economic Modeling from Sussex University and a diploma in Macroeconomic modeling from Purdue University. She received her Doctorate Degree in Finance && Banking from AASTMT with Honors.